Can Food Production and a Clean Chesapeake Bay Coexist?

A panel discussion between farmers, environmentalists, and the public 6:30 pm | November 19 | @ Washington College

We all want clean water and vibrant rivers. We all need food to survive, but farming practices are often blamed for the deterioration of the Chesapeake Bay. Can we have both?Join us at 6:30 pm on Thursday, Nov. 19 for a panel discussion by farmers, environmentalists, and local residents about challenges and successes in the effort to achieve a healthier Chesapeake Bay while continuing to produce food. The event is free and open to the public. The discussion will be driven by questions from the audience.The agricultural perspective will be represented by Sean Jones, a dairy farmer in Massey, Md., Trey Hill, a row crop farmer in Rock Hall, Md., and Mike Twining, a representative with Willard Agri-Service. The environmental perspective will be provided by Kim Coble, a Vice President of Chesapeake Bay Foundation, and Jeff Horstman, Miles-Wye Riverkeeper in Easton, Md. Judy Denver, a hydrologist with the US Geological Survey, will explain the findings of recent scientific studies of nutrient movement through our groundwater. The lively discussion, driven by audience questions, will be moderated by former US Rep. Wayne Gilchrest.This event is co-hosted by the Sassafras River Association and the Chester River Association in coordination with the Center for Environment & Society at Washington College. The College is hosting the event and a light reception afterward in Decker Theater in the Gibson Center for the Arts.


  • Kim Coble - VP Environmental Protection and Restoration, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Annapolis, Md.
  • Judy Denver - Hydrologist, US Geological Survey, Dover, Del.
  • Trey Hill - Harborview Farms, Rock Hall, Md.
  • Jeff Horstman - Miles-Wye RIVERKEEPER®, Midshore Riverkeeper Conservancy, Easton, Md.
  • Sean Jones - Jones Family Farm, Massey, Md.
  • Mike Twining - VP Sales and Marketing, Willard Agri-Service, Dover, Del.


  • Hon. Wayne Gilchrest - Education Programs Director, Sassafras Environmental Education Center


  • November 19, 2015
  • 6:30-8:30 pm Panel discussion
  • 8:30-9:30 pm Reception
  • Decker Theater, Gibson Center for the Arts, Washington College
  • 300 Washington Ave., Chestertown, MD
  • Free and open to the public

The Sassafras River Association is dedicated to promoting good water quality, a balance among recreation, wildlife, and economic activity, and an educated community that takes action to restore and maintain the health of the watershed. www.sassafrasriver.orgThe Chester River Association works to protect and restore the Chester River for current and future generations through advocacy, restoration, and outreach. www.ChesterRiverAssociation.orgThe Washington College Center for Environment & Society's vision is a Chesapeake Bay and watershed that is healthy and thriving; one in which natural systems and human communities are in balance. Interdisciplinary academic programs promote the integration of environmental issues, social values, and good old river mud.


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