The Fertilizer Institute Names 2015 4R Advocate Award Winners

Growers and Retailers from Maryland, Ohio, Illinois, Idaho and South Dakota Recognized for Excellence Exceeding Expectations

WASHINGTON, D.C. The Fertilizer Institute (TFI) today announced the winners of the 2015 4R Advocate Awards. The 4R Advocate Award program, now in its fourth year, recognizes on-farm stewardship actions. Winners are selected based on their actions to protect the environment, boost profitability and benefit society through nutrient stewardship practices based on the 4Rs (using the right nutrient source, at the right rate, at the right time and in the right place). Winners were nominated by their retail dealers who are also recognized with 4R awards. The 2015 winners are as follows:• Sean Jones from Massey, Maryland working with Michael Twining at Willard Agri-Service.• Chris Heintz from Lakeview, Ohio working with Kevin Doseck at Crop Production Services.• James Schoff from Walnut, Illinois working with Malcolm Stambaugh at Ag View FS.• Matthew Clements from Grandview, Idaho working with Terry Tindall at J.R. Simplot Company.• Joel Erickson from Langford, South Dakota working with Andrew Kappes at South Dakota Wheat Growers.These growers and their retailers are taking steps to establish sustainable cropping systems, said TFI President Chris Jahn. Their efforts need to be recognized by the agriculture community and by the broader public who consume what they produce. They are shining examples of the environmental, economic and social benefits of modern agriculture."Current and past 4R Advocates serve as spokespersons providing outreach to peers and stakeholders on fertilizer best management practices. The 4R Advocates speak from experience and bring on-farm knowledge when engaging with others.The five winning growers, a spouse or companion and their winning retailers are awarded an expense-paid trip to the Commodity Classic, scheduled for Feb. 26 - 28 in Phoenix, Arizona. The Commodity Classic is the once-a-year, can't-miss event for America's soybean, corn, wheat and sorghum farmers. At the Classic, 4R Advocate winners will see the latest agricultural innovations first-hand, meet other growers and agricultural leaders from across the nation, and will be honored at an invitation-only banquet.


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